Current Offerings

Fall 2025

CourseDesignationsSectionCRNSection TitleDays, Times, and LocationsInstructor
ANTH 3118GD00181366Pyramids, Pharaohs, MummiesTTh, 12:30pm - 1:45pm, Flanagan 241Mazow, Laura
CLAS 1300GE:HU60184098Greek and Latin for Vocabulary BuildingOnline Asynchronous
Ellison, Lisa
CLAS 1500GE:HU, GD60184104Classical MythologyOnline Asynchronous
Okamura, Tricia
CLAS 1500GE:HU, GD60284105Classical MythologyOnline Asynchronous
Okamura, Tricia
CLAS 2000GE:HU60184106Introduction to Classics - HumanitiesOnline Asynchronous
Stevens, John
CLAS 2220GE:HU, GD00184108Great Works of Ancient Literature I: GreeceTTh, 11:00am - 12:15pm, Brewster C-206Stevens, John
CLAS 2500GE:HU60184110Greek Tragedy in TranslationOnline Asynchronous
Okamura, Tricia
ENGL 3600GE:HU00181824Classics from Homer to DanteMWF, 1:00pm - 1:50pm, Bate 2019Wilson, David
GRK 100160184113Ancient Greek Level IMWF, 2:00pm - 2:50pm, OnlineOkamura, Tricia
HIST 3405GE:SO, GD00182129History of Ancient Greece to 146 BCTTh, 12:30pm - 1:45pm, Brewster B-301Dixon, Helen
LATN 100160184114Latin Level IOnline Asynchronous
Ellison, Lisa
LATN 100160284116Latin Level IOnline Asynchronous
Ellison, Lisa
LATN 200360184119Latin Level IIIOnline Asynchronous
Ellison, Lisa
LATN 400160184122Silver Age Latin LiteratureTTh, 2:00pm - 3:15pm, Online
Stevens, John

Summer 2025

Academic PeriodCourseDesignationsSectionCRNSection TitleMeeting Days and TimesInstructor
2nd SummerCLAS 1500GE:HU, GD60160365Classical MythologyOnline Asynchronous
Stevens, John

Spring 2025

CourseDesignationsCRNSection TitleMeeting Days and TimesLocationInstructor
CLAS 1500.601GE:HU; GD33273Classical MythologyAsynchronous
Okamura, Tricia
CLAS 1500.602GE:HU; GD33282Classical MythologyAsynchronousOkamura, Tricia
CLAS 1600.601GE:HU33283Sex Spells and Sacrifices: Religion in the Classical WorldAsynchronousEllison, Lisa
CLAS 2400.601GE:HU33284Women in Classic AntiquityAsynchronousOkamura, Tricia
CLAS 3400.601GE:HU33287The Ancient CityAsynchronousStevens, John
CLAS 4000.001WI33289Seminar in ClassicsTR, 12:30pm - 1:45pmBate 1021Stevens, John
CLAS 4000.601WI35710Seminar in ClassicsTR, 12:30pm - 1:45pmOnlineStevens, John
GRK 2004.60133295Ancient Greek Level IVAsynchronousOkamura, Tricia
HIST 3412.001GE:SO; GD32402History Christianity to 1300MWF, 1:00pm - 1:50pmBrewster C-304Hernandez, Richard
LATN 1002.60133309Latin Level IIAsynchronousEllison, Lisa
LATN 1002.60233312Latin Level IIAsynchronousEllison, Lisa
LATN 2004.60133315Latin Level IVAsynchronousEllison, Lisa
LATN 3002.60135693Age of AugustusTR, 11:00am - 12:15pmOnlineStevens, John
RELI 3896.001WI GE:HU; GD35476Life and Teachings of JesusTR, 2:00pm - 3:15pmBrewster D-311Dawson, Kathy

Classics Online
ECU offers first and second year Latin fully online. Third and fourth year Latin and all levels of ancient Greek can be taken online by synchronous video for those who are available during class times, with the possibility of asynchronous access by podcast in many cases, upon request. Students at other UNC universities may find our offerings through the Greek and Latin course exchange of UNC Online. Out of state students seeking to approximate an online post-bacc (which we do not offer), may declare a second undergraduate degree with ECU and take the needed online coursework at undergraduate tuition rates. Contact the Director of Classics for more information.