Spring Offerings

Featured Course

“Destruction” from “The Course of Empire” series. Thomas Cole. 1836. New-York Historical Society.


CLAS 4000: Seminar in Classics

J. Stevens

Associate Professor
Department of Foreign Languages & Literatures

Meets TTh from 12:30-1:45 in Bate 2011. Online available upon request. Combined with GRBK 4000 (33565) and LATN 3002 (33269)
We will spend the entire semester reading Vergil’s Aeneid, sometimes called ‘The’ epic of the west, which adapts themes of war, heroism, and the reestablishement of civilization from Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey to Roman civilization. It was written from 30-19 BC at the request of Augustus to portray the passions that led to a century of civil war, and the kind of man necessary to reestablish the republic on a firm foundation. It is thus an allegory of Roman history. The Harvard school interprets Aeneid as a criticism of tyrannical tendencies in Augustus.  We will be approaching the work from a new hypothesis that it was an imitation of Plato’s Republic and its analysis of the fall of the Athenian democracy. We will read exerpts from Republic and Aeneid side by side to explore Vergil’s epic as a work of political philosophy.

Spring 2022: January 10 – May 5

  • ANTH 3117 Prehistory of the Middle East
    B. Saidel | 32652 | .001 MWF 9-9:50 Flanagan 262 | GD
  • CLAS 1300 Greek & Latin for Vocabulary Building
    S. Cerutti | 35905 | .601 asynchronous online | HU
  • CLAS 1500 Classical Mythology
    T. Wilson-Okamura | 33134 | .001 MWF 1-1:50 TBD | GD, HU
  • CLAS 2230 Great Works of Ancient Literature II: Rome
    L. Ellison | 33136 | .001 TTh 9:30-10:45 Austin 201 | GD, HU
  • CLAS 2400 Women in Classical Antiquity
    S. Cerutti | 35906 | .601 asynchronous online | HU
  • CLAS 2500 Greek Tragedy in Translation
    T. Wilson-Okamura | 33233 | .001 MWF 2-2:50 Bate 1030 | HU
  • CLAS 3405 Roman Culture & Civilization: The Empire
    S. Cerutti | 35907 | .601 asynchronous online | HU
  • CLAS 4000 Seminar in Classics
    J. Stevens | 33255 | .001 TTh 12:30-1:45 Bate 2011 | WI
  • ENGL 3600 Classics from Homer to Dante
    D. Wilson-Okamura | 81704 | .001 MWF 11-11:50 Bate 1001 | HU
  • GRK 1002 Ancient Greek Level II
    J. Stevens | 33566 | .001 TR 11-12:15 Bate 2011 | FL
  • HIST 3410 History of Ancient Rome
    F. Romer | 35254 | .001 MWF 12-12:50 Brewster B-201 | SS
  • HIST 3415 The Middle Ages
    J. Reid | 35255 | .601 TTh 2-3:15 online | GD, SS
  • HIST 5505 Maritime History of the Western World to 1415
    D. Stewart | 35283 | .001 TTh 11-12:15 Speight 212
  • LATN 1002 Latin Level II
    L. Ellison | 33702 | .601 asynchronous online | FL
    L. Ellison | 33708 | .602 asynchronous online | FL
  • LATN 2004 Latin Level IV
    L. Ellison | 33928 | .601 asynchronous online | FL
  • LATN 3002 Age of Augustus
    J. Stevens | 33269 | .001 TR 12:30-1:45 Bate 2011

Classics Online

ECU offers third and fourth year Latin and all levels of ancient Greek online by synchronous video for those who are available during class times, with the possibility of asynchronous access by podcast in many cases, upon request. Students at other UNC universities may find our offerings through the Greek and Latin course exchange of UNC Online. Out of state students seeking to approximate an online post-bacc (which we do not offer), may declare a second undergraduate degree with ECU and take the needed online coursework at undergraduate tuition rates, with many courses offered at the further reduced DE rate. Contact the Director of Classics for more information.